Saturday, November 7, 2009

Check out Ancient Blood by Rie McGaha

Half witch and half wolf, Ganda is like no other being on earth, but more than 3,000 years ago the love of her life, Colin, was killed and since then she's remained an old black woman in the swamps of Louisiana. That was until Joshua and Jessie Kaine showed up and brought her back to life. Now on a mission to put her past to rest, Ganda visits the land of her birth and the land of Colin's death--Egypt. What she finds there isn't the answer she's looking for, but a mystery that will change her entire future.

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Sneak Peek into Ancient Blood:

Though tall and broad through the shoulders, his days had been filled with hard labor since he was just a lad, and he was beautiful with his thick black hair that was always just a little too long. His blue eyes were as brilliant as the sky in mid summer, with heavy, dark brows and thick, black lashes, he had cheeks that revealed deep dimples whenever he smiled, which was often. He was an easy-going man with easy manners and a likeable personality. With a quick wit and a way of looking at a person as if he could see their very soul. Collin was well read in spite of working the fields from sun up till sun down. In the evenings after supper he spent time by the fire reading books of all kinds, but especially those that told of far away places and ones with drawings of maps and oceans.

She had just come into his life one day out of the blue and he'd fallen madly in love with her. He knew the moment he saw her that she was the one he wanted to wed, and it hadn't taken any time at all for him to ask her to be his wife. Sometimes he could look at her and still be amazed that she had come into his life, had fallen as deeply in love with him as he was with her. Even more surprising to him, even now, was that she had said yes when he asked her to marry him.

Completely naked before him, her glorious black hair fell around her bare shoulders. Her dark eyes were hidden beneath those inky black lashes and thinly arched brows, and her red lips curved up slightly as she observed him. He'd never seen anyone as beautiful in his life. As the moon began to rise, full and low to the earth, Ganda took several steps away from him and he watched in horrid fascination as she began to change.

As her limbs began to lengthen and muscles bulged beneath her skin, dark fur, shiny and black began to cover her body. Her face changed, her jaw jutted forward, fangs replaced teeth, and her snout grew. The air around her was charged with electricity as if a thunderstorm had suddenly gathered. Colin fell backwards onto the ground. He wasn't trying to run—he just couldn't stand on his own two feet at the moment.

He watched she grew a tail and wagged it in the air. Looking her up and down, he was both amazed and terrified. She threw back her head and howled, then she was herself again, the woman he had walked into the forest with to marry. Stepping into her gown once again, she covered herself, and walked slowly to him. Taking his hand, she sat beside him, and explained everything to him about her mother—a witch—and her father—a wolf—and the curse they all lived with.



DawnsReadingNook said...

Hi Rhi,

Is this part of a series? It looks really good. :)


Unknown said...

Hey Rie,

Just from the blurb and excerpt, I'm seeing fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller, paranormal and erotica. I love it.
IMHO, the best books are those that can't be buttonholed into a specific genre. I love it when an author takes a number of genres and weaves them into an enchanting story.
Looks like you've got that well in hand.
Ancient Blood is definitely on my TBR list


Kelley Heckart said...

Hi Rie,
This sounds really good. I already liked it from the first time I saw only the title and cover. The excerpt makes me like it even more.

Marie McGaha said...

Thank you guys for commenting! I just hope it's as good as I think it is! LOL

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